
Partner with us

Are you looking to help the neurodiverse community? Contact us for partnership opportunities!

We’re seeking educators, school administrators, vocational rehab specialists, parents and other passionate individuals who are eager to bring high-quality research-backed curriculum to their clients. As a licensee, you’ll have access to our engaging lessons for your clients and our online training course for your educators and coaches.

Why choose us?

  1. Research-Backed Success: KF-STRIDE has a track record of excellence, with research showing its effectiveness.
  2. Unique Opportunity: Stand out by offering a product that sets new standards in quality and innovation.
  3. Comprehensive Support for Educators: With our online training course, we’re committed to helping you administer KF-STRIDE to your clients with confidence.
  4. Strength-Based: By focusing on strengths, and not weaknesses, you can empower your clients to confidently achieve their goals.

Join us in shaping the future and empowering neurodiverse individuals. Together, we’ll create a future inspired by success and strengths.

Ready to seize this opportunity? Contact us today to learn more about becoming a licensee and start your journey towards a brighter future!

Who can benefit from KF-STRIDE?

Neurodiverse Individuals

Individuals with learning and thinking differences (for example, those on the autism spectrum) can struggle in gaining and maintaining employment. Highly qualified individuals with marketable strengths may not get the job they’d like because they struggle with the job interview. KF-STRIDE offers fun lessons which help the learner to identify and express their unique strengths to future employers. The result is feelings of empowerment and confidence which neurodiverse people can carry with them moving forward.

I loved being involved with Kessler Foundation to help provide feedback on KF-STRIDE. Kessler Foundation is an organization that helps us puts our puzzle together and listens when we speak.

David, Neurodiverse Adult


Watching your neurodiverse learner struggle with getting and keeping a job can be heart-breaking. Fears about the future, feeling helpless, and worrying about what will happen to your child can impact a parent’s mental health. With KF-STRIDE, you can offer your child a path towards employment that is backed by research and strength-based – meaning it was designed to increase confidence and empower your child.

With KF-STRIDE, my son was able to identify his strengths, determine how those strengths can help him in the workplace, and he had opportunities to practice his interviewing skills.

Lori, Mother of Neurodiverse Adult


Educators are often tasked with the responsibility of teaching work readiness skills to their students, without guidance or standardized curriculum. As a result, many teachers and educators make up their own curriculum, which is not effective and a waste of a teacher’s time and resources. KF-STRIDE removes the guesswork and provides an easy to administer curriculum to give students the skills they need to get the job they want. Further, our online training course gives educators the confidence and know-how to administer KF-STRIDE.

When I trained students with the KF-STRIDE program, it was so exciting to see them learning more about themselves and gaining confidence. The students really enjoyed the animations as well, so much more than listening to a teacher!

Mikayla Haas, Job Coach

Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Vocational rehabilitation facilities are looking to innovate and bring high quality services to their clients to ensure success. KF-STRIDE is an easy-to-administer curriculum that is web-based and features engaging animated videos. Your staff can take an online training course to learn how to administer KF-STRIDE with confidence.

KF-STRIDE made me realize I’m really creative. I’m not as nervous about interviews anymore.

William, Neurodiverse Adult


While therapists have focused expertise in their field (mental health, occupational therapy, speech therapy), they may feel ill-equipped to help their clients with getting and keeping a job. However, as a neurodiverse youth transitions to adulthood, obtaining employment can become an impossible struggle for them. That’s when KF-STRIDE can help YOU help your clients reach their goals. Because it is strength-based, you can also feel comfortable that your clients will be learning about themselves and increasing their confidence.

I am excited to start teaching KF-STRIDE interview skills to our clients. At our center (JFCS Re-Launch Career Services), students will use the KF-STRIDE program in addition to other lessons and workshops… We hope that local employers can see the opportunities available to both them and our students. A win-win indeed!

Sandra Leshaw, Community Partner, JFCS


Is your company looking to reach an untapped pool of talent? Are you hoping to employ more neurodiverse individuals, but frustrated by the lack of resources to ensure their success? KF-STRIDE can be offered to potential employees to help them express themselves to you. Armed with new knowledge about themselves, neurodiverse individuals will feel more confident in telling you what skills and strengths they bring to the table. Further, as we expand KF-STRIDE, we will soon be offering ON the job support. Including KF-STRIDE before hiring and during on-boarding can help your company reach its goals toward diversity, equity and inclusion by fostering an environment of acceptance towards those who have been traditionally marginalized.

Download our App

You can now spot and use your strengths from your phone!